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Clone Yourself

Updated: May 27, 2022

No one can be in multiple places at once...or can you?

What if we showed you how to clone yourself and develop a tool that personifies your brand, markets for you, and works 24/7 without getting tired? Meet the ultimate "nerd", creative genius and owner of Dripify Marketing who makes it happen every day, Mr. Clay Mosley.

In this episode, we discuss the power of a great website, how to attract leads and what SEO can do for your bottom line. After all, being the best Chiropractor in the world isn't worth much if no one can find you!

Clay describes himself as "a marketer who knows how to code". He is the ultimate guru of getting you the look you want with the speed and extras that make your website stand out from the rest. Basically, Dripify Marketing will make you look GOOD! Why? Because your website is a true reflection of YOU.

To contact the guru himself, email him at, find him on Facebook, or visit his website at

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The Chiropractors' Edge Podcast Episode #77 with Host: Jake Hansen and Guest: Clay Mosley with Dripify Marketin (Transcript)

Jake Hansen:

Doc, you have come a long way in your career. You've graduated, you've been practicing, you have a skill set, you have the mindset, you're rocking and rolling, however... no one is coming in your doors.

In this day of digital age, knowledge doesn't just bring people in. The Chiropractor's edge exclusively endorses one person to help you build your digital kingdom. He helps people find you, so you can change their life. This is why we've got Clay Mosley with Dripify Marketing here, Clay, welcome to the show and welcome as a sponsor of the chiropractor's edge, I'm glad to have you here!

Clay Mosley:

Oh thanks for having me. I'm super excited to be here, yeah!

Jake Hansen:

Hey we were just talking a little bit before, so huge congratulations! You've got a brand new baby, sweet Georgia, absolutely adorable! I'm super proud of you guys, congratulations man.

Clay Mosley:

Thank you!

Jake Hansen:

How does it feel to be an incredibly successful entrepreneur and a dad at the same time?

Clay Mosley:

Well, now that I got past the tired stage of the first couple of months it's incredible! I love Dad-hood man, it's, parenthood is... it's one of those things you just don't understand until you are living it.

Jake Hansen:


Clay Mosley:

It's like before I had kids, like.. it was just one. I said "kids" plural, we're gonna have kids, that's right, but before I had Georgia, it was just one of those things where people say, you know, it's the best thing in the world! There's nothing like it!

As someone who didn't have kids at the time, like okay, I'm sure that's the case but I don't really understand what that means. I now know what that means, and it's like it's you can't really describe it in a way to get people to understand what that feeling's like, so yeah, I love it, it's amazing!

Jake Hansen:

I love that! So Clay, you and I have known each other now for, oh gosh, like six or seven years, and we met at a chiropractic event. Your wife Alex is in the Black Diamond Club, she's a chiropractor, she's a boots on the ground doc, an incredible doc. You are 100% committed to the profession and you're a genius in the website and SEO marketing world.

One of the things that you and I were talking about is that in the last 16 years, I have marked down every single objection or concern I've ever heard from a patient. I've written that down, I have sections for that but I've also written down every single colleague, every single student, every single doctor that has ever given me or shared goals and problems with me too - I've written down every single one. And, I just counted it up, I have 302 objections of the exact same verbiage - it's the exact same verbiage.

So people say, "Yeah doc, man like, I don't know why people aren't coming in. Like, I'm getting out in the community, and this is happening, I got my gang of five, I'm working, I'm marketing but..."

If you do not have a website, if you do not have SEO, if you don't have social media that is on top, rocking the world, if you don't have that empire down then man, you are in the stone age! People at the moment view social proof as so important today, so if you do not have a website that is working for you day in, day and night, hustling - and it is efficient, is clean looking, is showing your brand, and is working for you, you are going to be lost. People are going to literally go to anyone else around you, when they should be going to you and your services!

Clay, your track record is bar none, the best. When I was looking for people back in the day when we were first starting off, Shawn Dill, Lacey Book, multiple people in The Black Diamond Club - people all through our chiropractic Berkshires, everyone was saying, "Ah, you gotta talk to Clay, you gotta talk to Clay!" So when enough of my mentors, enough of the "bigwigs", people that I trust and admire had him on this pedesta, in my mind that's where you came into play.

So Clay, share with us if you would, the the journey you've been on with your company; where you're at, what you guys specialize in, and how you can help the 302 chiropractors I know solve their problem when they say, "Doc, I need a really good website but I can't afford a good website", and those exact words. "I know I need a good website, I want a good website, but I can't do it, I can't afford it". Please share with us with your expertise number one, how you solve that problem in a massive way, and how your ROI that you give these docs is through the roof insane, but no one should bat an eye and ever have that comment come out of their mouth again?

Clay Mosley:

Yeah that's a really good question. I hear that a lot. That's a common objection that I get, and there's a couple ways of looking at this. One is that people look at a website like a cost. It's not a cost, and it's not like they look at this thing like oh I gotta check the box off that I have a website, because everybody says you gotta have a website. You gotta change your mindset about that, and think a website is almost like cloning yourself as a salesperson that's working around the clock, right? So I was just talking to somebody this morning, somebody I had coffee with, and she was like "What's the importance of having a good website?" I said, well it's a sales tool, right, you know it's almost like you cloned yourself because the best salesperson in your company is usually the owner, right? And so a website is basically a clone of you!

Two, it's a credibility builder. So for example, I was looking for a dermatologist a few weeks ago and I you know I don't know one, so I did the natural thing that people do these days. They go to Google, and they type in "dermatologists in austin" and you would be surprised how many dermatologists in austin do not have a website at all! And you know what I did? I immediately crossed them out as an option for me to go and check them out!

So having a website, just period, whether it's good or bad, it's you. You just have to have one, to play the game. Having a website is a ticket to play the digital game - that's it! Now, whether you're going to win is a whole other story, but having a website is just your ticket to play.

Jake Hansen:

You hit something huge. I mean, that is absolutely huge! You could have everyone in front of you, and obviously if you don't have the ability to close, you don't have the ability. If you're not convicted and convinced and live in a life of certainty, you don't have the mindset that you are going to change people's lives - that's what we have to talk about in The Chiropractor's Edge, about a whole bunch of other stuff, but you hit something huge.

I've never thought of it in that regard before. You said "clone yourself". One of the biggest mistakes I see chiropractors make, they say, "you know, I serve this population here, I think it would be great to have someone who does nothing what I do, completely opposite, complete demographic, and I want them to come into my practice." But, they want that person to also take over for them when they go to seminars, when they want to go on a vacation, take some time off, or if they're out. So, they want to bring on another demographic, but they also want them to be themselves. So I always say, hire your freaking twin! Hire someone who's identical! And you just said that in a digital world, man how powerful is it that you have to clone yourself online, because you are exactly yourself.

One of the things we love about our practice is people come in and when they've seen our website, they go, "Oh my gosh doc! Your website totally conveys the feel here! The smell here, the feel, the rustic look, that industrious look, like wow!" So man, I've never thought about it that way. You guys, is your website truly an extension of who you are? Wow, that's huge! You're spot on, like, the website has to be like, if this is the way you design your website, I want it to be where almost they feel like they're already inside your clinic.

Clay Mosley:

Yep, you have to make sure you assume that everybody who goes to your website is a brand new person. This is a mistake that people make; they try to design a website based off what for for their current patients who's already there who's already there yeah they're already patients like. Big mistake, BIG mistake! They need to make the assumption that it's brand new people who have never been to your website before, and build it and design it according to that person; and when they go to your website, and then they they take the steps, and then they go to your your clinic, it needs to feel seamless and it needs to be like, again, this goes back to cloning yourself right? It needs to make these people feel like they've already met you,

Jake Hansen:


Clay Mosley:

...before they've met you, you know what I mean? This is what I don't understand about websites; where people build a website, maybe they do it themselves or maybe they hire somebody that's really, really inexpensive, and the quality is just not there, right? It's just very... it's either bad, or it's "safe" you know? Like safe means it's not a terrible looking website, but people aren't boasting about it.

This is where I think they go wrong is that this represents you. Why why would you go out in the world and look like that digitally? This represents you as a brand, so why not put the investment to do this properly?

So I said this to somebody the other day because I'm pretty expensive when it comes to websites, I think for good reason, and they ask me, "Well, why would I go with you when I can just go to this other person who's like 20% of your costs?" And I said, "Well, you can either pay the 20% of my fee over here and get nothing, or you can pay my fee over here and actually get something right. And so something outweighs nothing,

Jake Hansen:

And you're being very humble with that too. I'm being conservative because your ROI I mean, the proof - but what did mama always say, right? "The proof is in the pudding", and you're proof in the pudding! I mean you have a love and a passion and and obviously an invested interest in chiropractic.

I get it, your baby gets adjusted, you get adjusted, you love chiropractic, but some of the most influential people in the world're doing their website, and you're redoing their whole platform. Some big names, because they see that yes, this is an investment and I'm gonna invest here, but i'm also gonna now get all of this on top of that - it is an absolute no-brainer. I could get spare cash, it would be a no-brainer for that, so that's the mindset that I think that needs to happen is this is an investment; the biggest.

When I started seeing a jump in my career because I'm passionate about what I do, I truly started investing going to seminars, relationships, investing and not missing any of those events, so you look at like, "Wow, we're putting a lot of money to that", but the whole goal is "I want to protect my practice. I want to protect my team. I want to protect my practice members, and ROI has only gotten better because of that investment, and that and that's key.

Clay Mosley:

The biggest thing I see today is when I go into town for a seminar, I always look up the local chiropractors; and if you can't be found on this thing, so many docs don't have their phone, their website isn't mobile friendly or tablet friendly, or there's like so many little things you think is common sense, but you know and so that that's where I would come into play.

You're going to take someone and either make a product that works really well, extraordinarily well, or a non-existent product, and literally put them on the map, which is awesome.

Jake Hansen:

I consider you kind of like Las Vegas; everyone said why would you put a place like this in Vegas; my gosh man look at what has happened today, look at the money that goes through Vegas! Regardless of how you would feel about it, the money that goes through that city, people said, I can put my money over here, but why would we build this oasis over here? Because of that vision. You are truly a visionary in this world, which is again why we trust you and only endorse you; but your results speak for themselves.

So, I would love for you to talk about some of the things; our must absolute haves like you said. You've already hit a huge point that your website has to be a clone of your practice, not only obviously in appearance, but now we have to look at all of the coding and the digital footprints that go behind us so people can actually find you. So what are some other must absolutely have, no brainers that people just miss?

Clay Mosley:

Well so that's a good question. I've been doing this for a while now, so I can immediately go to a website and say here are the things that I can already tell you. These things need to change in order to increase conversions. The way I describe myself is, "I'm a marketer who happens to know how to code."

Jake Hansen:


Clay Mosley:

So I think that's the reason why I am good at this, because you can find coders all day long. They code a website, but they don't know jack about marketing, right? So like, it all fits together. Website and marketing... they both need to coexist in order for you to generate a lot of leads, and so with the assumption that you have good marketing, your website needs to be designed the right way to actually convert that traffic into actual leads.

So, some of the top things that I can think of are, on the home page, and this is - i'm gonna start off with just to give me I'm sure people have heard this, but some people may not have.

On the home page, above the fold, which is the area on the home page that people see before they scroll, that is the most valuable piece of real estate on your website. So what you put there is super important. You have to have a very clear call to action on that in that section, and that needs to be the focal point. Usually what I would suggest is some sort of lead magnet; something free that a user can download in exchange for giving up an email address, or even better their phone number for a texting campaign. That's the best thing that needs to go there and it needs to be a good lead magnet. I can do a whole podcast episode on that.

Jake Hansen:

In your experience, with the average person that you're doing marketing for would you say that the majority of people out there understand the value of a lead?

Clay Mosley:


Jake Hansen:

Okay can you talk to that? Can you give us a 30,000 foot view because people, I mean in chiropractic, what do we say? "I want people in my door, I want them here", but they don't understand, and some do, but I'm always shocked when I'm in these big, you know, with quest seven, you know the group that we're in, we're with high-end, high net worth individuals. In a group of 20, "Hey who knows the value of a lead? and you ask them and they all raise their hand like I absolutely do."

Will you talk about that? Because you guys, this is critical. Just this week alone, we've had 18 people that have come back because of leads, that have come back because of emails, that are nurturing texting thread campaigns. 18 coming back just this week! That's powerful. So what is the value of a lead?

Clay Mosley:

Yeah, so a kind of 30 000 foot view is that one of the things people do in relation to websites is they think a lead is somebody who is ready to buy right NOW. They're ready to come in for an appointment, and give them money. That is not a lead. That is a prospect that is ready to buy right now, yes, they're like a lead, but a true lead is different. A true lead is a type of person that is starting their "client journey".

In my opinion there's five stages of the client journey. So, just briefly there's 1.) DISCOVER. Discover people who have absolutely no idea that you exist in this world. Then there's 2.) ENGAGE, that's the second stage. Those are people who know you exist but they haven't given you a dollar; they haven't bought anything yet. Then there's the third stage which is 3.) CONVERSION. So now they're a brand new client, brand new patient. And then there's a 4.) COMMIT; they're gonna stay with you for a while. They've been with you for a while, they're loyal, but that's not the last one, which is 5.) RAVING FAN, which is what everybody needs to achieve, and that's where the referrals come into play, right?

So a lead is people in the engaged column, the engaged stage; those are people who know you exist but they have not given you money yet. There is a spectrum to this, though. They could be on this side, or the other side. So over here to this side, they could be like, they drive by your clinic every day on their way to work, right? Like they know you're there, but they're not in a buying mode right now; that's a potential lead. From a digital space maybe it's somebody who followed your Facebook page or Instagram or TikTok. They're not buying right now, maybe they might not be in a buying mode until like three years from now, but it is a lead,

Jake Hansen:


Clay Mosley:

Now on this side of the spectrum, there's the lead that gets closer. Maybe they've been following you for a couple years. The trust factor is now increased, and now they're like, "Okay, I haven't given you money yet, but I want to talk to you. I'm considering you." That right there is what most people think a lead is, and they're completely ignoring the rest of it.

This is why a lead magnet on a website; maybe you have a free course, a free video course, or a downloadable checklist of some sort; people give an email address away just to download that free resource. They're not ready to buy right now, they're considering you, but they may not buy from you for another six months, a year, two years, whateve. So that is a lead.

I think that's super important for people to know what a definition of a lead is because it covers that entire spectrum. As far as the value of a lead, if I had to put a dollar amount into it it could be subjective, right? I mean obviously, depending on the clinic, a lead is elite to me, oh my gosh, I will pay hand over fist for leads, yeah! But again, it's subjective for sure.

The closest I can get to that number, because yes, the value the the dollar amount is going to completely vary even people in the same industry, it's still going to completely vary, but if I had to assign a dollar, the closest I can get to assign a dollar value is the number you need to be paying for a brand new conversion. This is not lead,but a brand new client usually takes about 25% of whatever the revenue is. So 25%, that's how much it costs in marketing dollars, so if you make a thousand dollars off of a new client, then it's going to cost you roughly $250 to actually get that client. Yeah, that information is huge!

Jake Hansen:

So a lot of my mentors when I was obviously learning, we would do spinal screenings in our practice. The reason why I do them is number one, it gives me a chance to give back. I really like to be able to go in the community, meet the community, I go where my ideal client is, but it gives me a chance to give back too. We'll check 150 spines and maybe 60, 70, 80 will come to the practice. But when I first started, I wasn't collecting leads! I wasn't collecting, and I thought, "Oh my gosh!" In my mind I was sick because of the lives that have not been changed because I didn't collect leads, because I know eventually, when people come in...

So case in point; so we did a spinal screening in 2019 here in town at the Oktoberfest. Literally, we had a hair stylist, and then a lady and her boyfriend came in, and they happened to be in our tent at the exact same time. Now let's fast forward to today; one of the hairstyles she would come in periodically for care, just had a baby, and another lady that never came in. We had a loss leader on like facebook and on our website, so she had signed up, got you know, a pdf of something, and unbeknownst to me the other lady's been following us now for like three and a half years! They both come in, one of the hair stylists has her baby, brings her baby in. The other lady comes in, they recognize each other, go, "How do I know you?", and I said "Oh my gosh! You guys were at the event that day same day in the tent three years ago!"

So now, three years later this is paying off today, but for me the value of the lead was worth every single penny because now not only are their lives going to be changed, but obviously it's going to increase the return of the practice. You have to be able to know the value of a lead, and, like you said, you have to have a lead magnet. You have to have a loss leader, you have to have something that is a call to action to not only become a patient today, or "Hey, just get signed up!" and it may be a month from today.

A lot of chiropractors have what I call the "golden goose and the golden egg problem" where they're looking for golden eggs. What can I do now? What can I see now? As opposed to you know, we're not hunting here we're farming we need to farm and then cultivate these leads and they will come in. But, if you don't have that website set up, your bottom line is going to be drastically limited.

Clay Mosley:

I mean, it's part of the sales process, right? People go to a website, they check you out, that's just a tiny step of the...I say tiny, it's a big step, of the entire sales process.

A lot of people don't also don't realize, like, you say "farming". The farming leads, I don't know what it is, I think it's just in patience; like they're impatient. People think that when a lead first gets exposed to them, they're gonna turn into a client right after meeting you. But the fact is, they're not. They're gonna become a client maybe after the 12th time they see you or your message. This is the importance of email drip campaigns, text campaigns, retargeting stuff; that's why that's why people do that.

Jake Hansen:

That's another million dollar podcast!

Clay Mosley:

Dude, I can do a million different episodes on this.

Jake Hansen:

Since you said "drip" yeah, drop with us how did the name of your company come to be? Because you guys, what he just said right there, being able to have consistent marketing is so valuable. When you're consuming their information, you see their information consistently so when a crisis arises that'w when you say, "This is who I need to see", or you have a baby; "Oh I gotta get my baby checked". Yeah, drop with us how your name came to be.

Clay Mosley:

Because I love it. Yeah, so it's a marketing campaign, or it's a marketing term, right? "Drip" marketing is the type of marketing that I do. My philosophy is, "Let's run people through a pipeline, and nurture them over time, drip drip them over time, and then by the time they are ready to buy, you don't even have to be good at closing. You don't have to be able to close that if you do proper marketing. They're gonna just say "Hey, show me where to sign up." That's the type of marketing Ilike to do.

There's all kinds of marketing. There's some lead generation marketers out there who severely discount the exam fee and just try to get people in the door; but you gotta be damn good at closing. I would say it's easy to close because it's such discounted pricing, but you got to be so good to keep and retain them.

The way I do marketing is, "Let's run them through the proper marketing channels, and then by the time they're ready, they'll just say, "Who do I give my money to?" Because of that, you can charge a really high fee because they're not going to go to anybody else. So that's why it's called "Dripify".

Jake Hansen:

I love that. So if you guys re-read that again, that is critical. He's talking in the billion dollar world here.

As chiropractors and healthcare providers we were taught to want that immediate gratification. Because we're adjusting people all day, we get to see this. Why do we attract this? Because we see it. We adjust the subluxation and you can see the results. Sometimes you see it immediately, sometimes it takes a little bit of time, but why would we think that?

We don't always get it. You have to have that nurturing system put in. Yeah, you might go do a spinal screening, you may go to do marketing and get some people coming in right then, but what about the hundreds of other leads that would possibly like to see you, but weren't quite ready right then?

I love what you said. If we could re-hash what you talked about nurturing. They understand who you are, they understand your price point, they understand that you're the best, they understand it's going to take a month and a half for me to see this guy, they got to be really good.

Yesterday, case in point, my associate said, "Hey, so you know this Dads of Castle Rock group? There's thousands and thousands of people in it. Someone was asking for a recommendation for a chiropractor." Between everyone there's two of us; one chiropractor can get you in within 30 minutes. Get in, crack you, whack you, awesome. We said, "Oh awesome, we'd love to help you, it's gonna be a month and a half. But, everyone said, "Wow, if he gets you in within 30 minutes, and it takes them a month and a half, uh, doesn't that share something with you?

If you heard "Hey I have a brain tumor" and a neurologist said, "Oh I could get you now, it'll cost you 29 bucks!", you're like, "Wait, who who is this guy? Dr. Nick from the Simpsons?"

People market cheap because of the sort of the time that they were in, but they always say I'm gonna upgrade at one point. Then, they get golden handcuffs thrown on them because they say, "Well I can't get my marketing now, I can't go to my website now, I can't change my SEO now because I'm now tied in." So you guys, we need you to begin with the end in mind.

This is an investment of cloning yourself. This is an investment of nurturing to change people's lives. How many lives do you want to change? How fast do you want to change them, and how fast you want your practice to grow and your team to grow? How fast do you want this to happen? It starts right here.

Clay Mosley:

That's a very good point. Eespecially in chiropractic, everybody wants to change lives, right? I hear that phrase all the time, and I'm all about it 100%. I share the same passion, not just as a marketer, but just as a consumer. That's the side I'm on, and I think a way to look at it is Okay, you want to change lives. Do you want to change lives actually one one patient at a time, talking to one prospect at a time, one lead at a time? That number's finite; you can only do that so many times by yourself.

Or, you can go and create an actual digital presence and guess what? That number is unlimited. Depending on how much money you want to put into it, you've got a website; you can run ads... boom. You can reach thousands and thousands and thousands of people. Even if they don't become a patient, you can give some sort of valuable content that could help them, and it's just like you exponentially cloned yourself. You could think about it that way if you want to help change lives and change the world.

Do you want to do it transactionally, one person at a time in your clinic, just shaking hands with one person at a time? Or, let's put yourself out on the web and clone yourself exponentially so you're shared unlimited times?

Jake Hansen:

I know you mean that because when you have these billion dollar companies, multi-million, deca million dollar companies and individuals whose net worth can buy private islands, this is what they say, "I need Clay on my side".

Seeing people you know, those boots on the ground chiropractors realizing that possibility; that's why we do these podcasts.

You hit something that is so huge, you guys Jay Abraham at one point made like 28 billion dollars - this guy is a genius. He talks about the law of exponentials: By yourself you can only have as much success as fast as you can run. When you multiply yourself and you get an incredible team, then you now have grown exponentially. The untapped, limitless is going to be marketing in the digital world. You can literally say, "Well, yeah, I can only have one associate." Why the heck can you not have 48 practices with a hundred associates?

What's your vision? We're so limited by our vision because of how fast we can run on our own two legs; we have to think in exponentials, especially when it comes to your marketing. It also goes back to the original problem. People say they want this, but they can't. It's just a matter of how high on the priority list is.

Clay Mosley:

People have so many decisions they need to make right and that's okay, but where does a website, your digital presence, your SEO - where does that lie on the totem pole? You can get this stuff you want, you've just got to decide what your priorities are. For some people, if you're very fortunate you can get all the things. But if you're in a startup mode maybe, or you're in the early stages of your clinic, you've got to pick and choose. So you can choose this stuff but you have to choose it over something else, and it just depends on how bad you actually want it, because if you want it really, really bad, you'll figure it out.There's some other things that you don't have to get, and you can get this, and so I mean, it's just about priorities.

Jake Hansen:

What really happens I think, when you're allowed to see someone like yourself; first time you see someone in a private jet, you know we were able to go on a private island with Dave Meltzer. Brittany Turner, whose island that is, Aeriel Island, Buck Island in the British Virgin Islands, you know she was sharing with us, calm and collected saying, "You know we got an incredible deal in this place. It was 70 million dollars." And for me, that was actually a mind-blowing thing where I was like you got a great deal of 70 million? I'm like, well I am thinking small!

But her vision is, "How many lives am I going to transform on my private island with what I can do? I spend a hundred grand something a month on my marketing so I can help transform lives", like whoa, I have thought of potato chips! I have thought about crumbs in the universe where God is so incredibly good! Why would we ask for bread crumbs when we can have filet mignon every single day if that's what we want?

I always say that you need to have a good coach and a good mentor, and you need to have people in front of you can touch.

The two things that are non-negotiable in my business and as we open up other businesses it's being sure that the SEO, the marketing, my digital footprint is exactly matching what I want. How many people go in and say, "Whoa! You said this on your website, but you don't actually do this", or "Why did you have pages and blogs about digestion and you don't even do that?", but we just think, "Oh hey, here's a great thing I found online!", we throw it out then we vomit all over the place and people see that if it's not gonna happen in conversation why would you put it on your website?

So really, what you taught me today is, and I hope for you guys, that cloning is absolutely critical, and this is an investment that can bring you exponential growth. What does exponential mean? It's "X". It's not one, it's not multiplying up by two, this is limitless, these are numbers that are unfathomable here in terms of lives changed.

Having someone working for you online digitally takes away stress from your teams so your team can focus on what they need best. It allows things to run, like you said, seamlessly.

Clay Mosley:

You hit it on the head,

Jake Hansen:

Clay, so thank you for teaching us these things again we're absolutely gonna have you on again. So you can find Clay wherever you consume social media, and obviously we're gonna have all of his stuff here below, but I want people to hear it too. What is the best way to talk to you because I know you'll check out what people have, what's working, what's not working, but you guys, you need Clay to review who you are.

Clay is worth every single penny and then some. This is an investment that is going to change lives and pay exponentially in your life. How do we get in contact with you and how do we make appointments with you?

Clay Mosley:

Probably the best way is email: it's, and then also if people want to join my Facebook community where I give away all kinds of tactics and things like that, go to, put in your email and you'll be entered right in. There's all kinds of stuff, in fact I have a pinned post in the group that will get you one million percent ROI, so you should go check that out!

Jake Hansen:

You guys, these numbers we're talking about, this is legit. What he's talking about is absolutely insane, so please take that advice. Ok Clay, give your email one more time

Clay Mosley:

Jake Hansen:

Okay Clay, thank you so much for your wealth of knowledge. I can't wait for everyone's lives to be elevated, and for more people to be able to access them, and for the world to change through chiropractic care!

Clay Mosley:

Me too. Thanks for having me on.

Jake Hansen:

My pleasure brother, take care!

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